Sep 25, 2018
What direction does the pelvic floor go in when your client works their pelvic floor?
The answer is that it should lift, ie go up, when seen on real time ultrasound, but sometimes, it does the opposite, and goes down.
This can be unexpected, when a woman thinks that she is doing her exercises correctly, and then finds...
Sep 20, 2018
Podcast Interview with Bobbie Wright, Personal Trainer, Mandurah WA
Bobbie has been a Personal Trainer for 7 years and has worked with pregnant and postnatal mums throughout their journey. Now that she is pregnant herself, she shares some of her own early pregnancy experiences in working with her core and pelvic floor...
Sep 15, 2018
Podcast Interview part 4 with Elisa Bellairs, from Embraced Mama, Mandurah WA
Elisa is a personal trainer who coaches mums to restore and reclaim themselves after having children. In part 4 and the final part of this interview Elisa talks about bridging the gap between regular fitness programs and providing specific...
Sep 10, 2018
Interview part 3 with Elisa Bellairs, from Embraced Mama, Mandurah WA
Elisa is a personal trainer who coaches mums to restore and reclaim themselves after having children. In part 3 of this interview Elisa describes the importance of a thorough assessment. This ensures she and her team can build personalized and...
Sep 6, 2018
Interview part 2 with Elisa Bellairs, from Embraced Mama, Mandurah WA,
Elisa is a personal trainer who coaches mums to restore and reclaim themselves after having children. In part 2 of this interview Elisa talks about how she has built her team to provide studio classes and online programs to mums, to cater for...