Jul 16, 2022
Sophie Villeneuve from Beyond
Birthing talks with Dianne about taking a pro- active approach
during pregnancy to help with postnatal recovery. Sophie is a
Pelvic Health Physiotherapist from Canada and shares her insights
and expertise including what she is doing during her own pregnancy
as she prepares for the birth of her first baby. She is passionate
about helping mamas to prevent pelvic floor issues that often stem
from pregnancy and birth, and outlines how having a postnatal
exercise plan before the birth can help mamas understand the
importance of not skipping stages as they rebuild their
To find out more about Sophie's programs from Beyond
Download Beyond Birthing's free pelvic floor book at https://www.beyond-birthing.ca/free-book
Reserve your seat on Beyond Birthing's FREE pelvic floor prenatal masterclass at https://www.beyond-birthing.ca/masterclass
Apply for a FREE discovery call with Beyond Birthing & learn more about their Signature Program at https://beyond-birthing.com/apply
Visit Beyond Birthing:
On their Youtube channel: https://youtube.com/beyondbirthing
On their Website: https://beyond-birthing.com
On Instagram: https://instagram.com/beyondbirthingpt
On Facebook: https://facebook.com/beyondbirthing
See the video about Journalling - My fears about becoming a mother: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5e7nJko0lU
For more information visit The Pregnancy Centre at www.thepregnancycentre.com.au