Oct 4, 2018
In talking about the ABC’s of the pelvic floor, the letter E is for Effort.
Many women put a lot of effort into their pelvic floor training, but for each client where are they putting their effort?
Sometimes effort can go into using the wrong muscles, like the gluts, the adductors or the abdominal muscles. It takes effort to find, feel and focus on the pelvic floor muscles for clients who are learning more about their muscles, or for clients whose muscles are very weak. For them, the effort can be like brain training, putting their attention into the correct area of their body.
Pregnant and postnatal clients, who are learning more about their pelvic floor need to focus first on technique and on keeping or building the strength of their pelvic floor once they know that they have a good technique.
For more information visit www.thepregnancycentre.com.au